What would be the point in twin-boom and single tail? Sure, it's not impossible but it's pointless. I thought you might have had at least some aircraft in the list but no, again I thought too highly of you. You got my hopes up there, lanc and then crushed them.
So, the P-38 is twin-boom since there isn't a twin-boom, single tailed aircraft anywhere.
Really, does it? F*ckin' hell, I never realised that. You tit!!! My point was there isn't a fuckin' twin boom, single tailed aircraft out there so there's no point in saying "twin-boom, twin-tail".
I read somewhere that the air force (in 1945) was not having Consolidated put any serious effort into building the B32. They wanted Consolidated to put more effort and resources into designing and building the B36.
I hadn't heard that, but it would not be surprising. The Model 35 (later model 36 so as not to be confused with the Northrop B-35)had a preliminary design proposal in May of 1941. That would eventually become the B-36.
The mockup was ready about a year later and the initial deliveries of the XB-36 were intially supposed to be in 1944. Unfortunately, a lot of hurdles stalled the project and the first one did not fly until August 8, 1946.