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Chief Master Sergeant
Apr 15, 2011
Plymouth, England
Just a quick note to extend my sympathy to all those caught up in the horror of the Oklahoma tornado.
It must have been terrifying and those poor children...
With best wishes from across the pond
Thats the 2nd time that town got hit by a massive tornado. The death toll i'm sorry to say will exceed 51,sad....
When I lived in Indiana we used to always have tornado drills and we did exactly what the kids did in the school.

I could not imagine the terror they went through, or what the parents whose children were killed are going through now.

Being a parent really puts a different perspective on life.
Terrible what happened. Mother nature is unforgiving.

The whole Midwest has been hit by storms. We had 70 mph winds, tennis ball size hail and severe thunderstorms. We were also under a Tornado watch. The tornado sirens were going off all night. Fortunately we did not get hit. The next county over had one, but fotunately did not come down in a populated area.
With all above. People harboured in a schoolhouse because it was supposed to be the safest place in the neighbourhood, and yet that school was ripped apart by the storm. What can one do except pray for all involved and once again try to realise that no matter how smart mankind may become, nature remains a force that refuses to be quelled. Sad, sad day...pity not just the children but all who suffered, and will suffer, because of this tragedy.
I used to live near there as a kid, an old friend of my parents' house is gone. I hope they manage to rebuild over there.

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