Train Pics

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January 1941. "A section of Rochester, Pennsylvania, on the Ohio River. Photographs show Ohio River town in western
Pennsylvania -- bridges, houseboats, coal barges, railroad yards. Abandoned stove and glass works.
Automobile graveyard. Cemetery and gravedigger. Substandard housing occupied by people"
Photo by Jack Delano for the FSA.

Source: Internet

August 1941. "Rail yard and grain elevators. Minot, North Dakota," a.k.a. "The Magic City." Acetate negative by
Marion Post Wolcott for the Farm Security Administration.

Source: Internet

August 1941. "Freight train going west from Minot, North Dakota, across the plains." Medium format negative by
Marion Post Wolcott for the Farm Security Administration.

Source: Internet

February 1940. "Railway station in North Conway, New Hampshire." Medium format acetate negative by
Marion Post Wolcott for the Farm Security Administration.

Source: Internet

March 1940. "Berlin, New Hampshire -- paper mill town inhabited largely by French-Canadians and Scandinavians."
Medium format negative by Marion Post Wolcott.

Source: Internet

September 1939. "Ducktown, Tennessee. Train bringing copper ore out of mine. Fumes from smelting copper for sulfuric
acid have destroyed all vegetation and eroded the land." Medium format negative by Marion Post Wolcott for the
Farm Security Administration.

Source: Internet

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