OK, a bi more from myself.
I use Google Chrome. The feedback I got on possible trojans is teh following:
Three pages tested during last 90 days, 0 pages originate download and 'installation of unwanted dangerous software. Last time Google visited this was onl 2010-01-11, while last time a malware has been found was on this site was onl 2010-01-11.
Malicious software includes 213 trojan(s), 62 scripting exploit(s), 20 exploit(s).
This site was hosted on 2 network(s) including AS39150 (VLTELECOM), AS49093 (BIGNESS)
Three pages tested during last 90 days, 0 pages originate download and 'installation of unwanted dangerous software. Last time Google visited this was onl 2010-01-11, while last time a malware has been found was on this site was onl 2010-01-11.
Malicious software includes 82 trojan(s), 16 exploit(s).
This site was hosted on 1 network(s) including AS49091 (INTERFORUM)
Please note that underlined text is my translation of Italian text.