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I've been hunting since I was 14, poaching in any form pisses me off and should be punished accordingly. While i've seen some videos of what Asians do to dogs(makes me sick), I also understand it's their culture, until that changes dogs will be part of the food chain. I had a very good friend who owned a Chinese restaurant back in NYC which was excellent by the way and we would have plenty of conversations about food and what's eaten where. Here in this country we tend to humanize animals especially dogs. As for farm life my uncle in Poland drowned 1/2 dozen puppies because well there would be too many of them running around so he did what he had to do.
pbehn - anthropomorphism is so ingrained in western culture that it comes out without conscious thought, i.e., dogs to not "know'/"recognise" family (human term) members. Dogs will willing mate with mothers/sisters/grandmothers (all human terms). Bitches (correct dog term) will eat their young in some cases and dogs will kill and eat other dogs.
pbehn - anthropomorphism is so ingrained in western culture that it comes out without conscious thought, i.e., dogs to not "know'/"recognise" family (human term) members. Dogs will willing mate with mothers/sisters/grandmothers (all human terms). Bitches (correct dog term) will eat their young in some cases and dogs will kill and eat other dogs.
pbhen, dogs undergo a process known as imprinting. A dog's long-term memory is not like a human's. Dog memory depends more on imprinting, a biochemical process stimulated by sight and smell. Imprinting is an innate behavior or response to a learned stimulus and occurs at a particular time in an animal's life. Pups will begin to imprint at about 3 weeks. They learn dog social behavior, i.e. Pack behaviors such as how to interact with litter mates and adult dogs. Too much human contact will imprint the dog on you and it will never learn how to interact with other dogs or humans treating them as unfamiliar threats. About 7 weeks is a good time to introduce varied human contact as well as other species of animals. About 8 weeks is the trauma imprint time. Any painful, stressful or fearful experience dur this time can induce a lifelong phobia.
Now pets tend to be separated and sold at about 12 weeks by good breeders. Puppy mills tend to grab pups as soon as they are weaned 8 weeks or so.
Wolf puppies remain with the family pack for one to three years, well into adulthood, so it was natural to maintain PACK ties. In the wild, keeping the PACK together served as protection for all members. Thus a pup is imprinted on his/her dam NOT as a mother (human term) but as a member of his or her PACK.
When Breena was alive she saw her sister often because she lives only three miles away and to the day she died Breena ignored her completely. When they were litter mates Breena was the dominant one but she ignored her brother and sister whenever she saw them. And we ran in to the guy who had Breena's father and mother about two years ago and Breena was extremely aggressive towards her mother and completely ignored her father.
Consider that the dam imprinted upon a PUPPY which has now been removed to a totally different environment wherein all things changed including the body of the pup.
At 16 would you remember a mother that been removed and gone for 14 years?
I do find the "perpetually offended" amusing at times, how many would object to someone shooting a lion in their garden, would they demand to see a license or check for a tag?We have a dentist who PAID for a lion hunt, hired a local guide to make sure it was right, and killed a lion. And HE's the bad guy? What about the guide and the fact that the license was sold by the country in question for the fee paid? I can guarantee they didn't offer to reimburse it before he got there.
Simple. If they don't want their lions hunted, don't sell the right to do it. If they DO want to let lion hunting happen, then stop bitching about it when it happens. I bet said dentist never spends another dime in Africa!
Usually hunting licenses and hunting permits are sold when the population of some beast is getting a bit large ... not when it is endagered. Wanna' care about the bad crap? What about the starving and poverty-stricken people in same country?
Nobody seems to care about or mention that ... I'd rather save a person than a lion. And if I cared about the lion, I wouldn't sell the right to it's life to a foreign hunter in the first place.
As far as Cecil goes, that was an eff-up of the highest order. Ill-conceived and wrong from start to finish.Whoa horsies, I am a hunter as well. I hunt for meat which we eat. I take my Bambi every year in season, legally. BUT I do NOT hunt an animal JUST for its HEAD to mount on my wall. I strongly resent these trophy hunters with too much disposable cash and tiny Johnsons
The lion in question was in a protected animal preserve. He (lion) was wearing a radio collar as part of a study by Oxford University and had been baited out of the protected area by two men who Palmer had paid $50,000 to lure the lion to him, JUST so he (lion) could be killed. In 2006 Palmer had obtained a permit to hunt bear within a specific area of northern Wisconsin. He then proceed to kill a black bear 40 miles outside that area. The carcass was then taken to a registration station where he lied to game wardens about where the bear had been killed. He was later charged in court where he received a $3000 fine and a year probation. He also has numerous convictions for fishing without a license. A true Sportsman