I was told that years before I got there, Tinker AFB was a popular destination for weekend training flights. The Officers Club was in an old wooden house, but it was not far from the flight line. And even more importantly, young ladies from surrounding communities were allowed to enter the base on Friday nights. Both the aircrew and the girls responded enthusiastically to such rendezvous opportunities.
But by the time I got there, the old O Club had been torn down, a new club had been built some distance from the flight line, a modern but uninspired facility with all the charm and originality of a branch bank in a small town. They'd also put a stop to that nonsense of having the civilian female population visit, too, and insisted on coat and ties rather than flight suits after 1700. In fact, even civilians who worked on the base were prevented from entering through the gate nearest the O Club on weekends.
And the senior leadership at the base could not figure out why none of the young officers wanted to join the O Club.