UN wants to ban Sinterklaas

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Sep 19, 2006
Th UN clearly has nothing better to do. They decided in their wisdom that the old traditional dutch Sinterklaas should change. He is helped by black people, zwarte pieten. The UN says it is a racist statement, at least that's what the black, Jamaican chair(wo)man concluded even before the research is completed. Sinterklaas was brought to America by Dutch settles and became Santa Claus, the Christmas man.

I mean what do they know. Do they really believe that we think zwarte pieten are slaves? They just don't know the tradition, hundreds of years old and don't know that every dutch child, black and white, celebrate Sinterklaas together. Sinterklaas and his black friends are hilarious and fun, not a racist statement. I will not tell my 4 year old that Sinterklaas doesn't exist because some UN officials don't have anything better to do.

Next time they will ban Santa Claus for animal abuse....

Better: let them do something about Syria instead of mingling into an inocent tradition.

What a bunch of morons...

Sorry for the 'politics'. Had to get that off my chest, carry on....
Don't think your Sinterklaas is the only one under the gun...here in the U.S., they want to ban Santa Claus' laughter.

Santa's merry laugh is traditionally translated as "Ho! Ho! Ho!" and some people find it "offensive" because they equate the word "ho" with the word ghetto slang word for "whore"

Really getting sick and tired of people being "offended" by the slightest notion. Wonder if it matters any that I find their stupidity offensive...
Do you also get an investigation from the UN? Here in the Netherlands, 99% had never thought about the possible connection with slavery until the UN pointed at it. It's our own tradition, attacked from outside by the morons at the UN. Let us keep our own identity, I would say.
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Dickwits like the person at the UN would probably conclude that the Reindeer had been drinking booze, and therefore try to ban that too!
About time this sort of person got their finger out of their Rs, stopped being total pr**ks and looked around at what the World is doing, and then channel their efforts into something worthwhile.
They opened a facebookpage for Sinterklaas which got a million members in 2 days. The opposing facebook to call Sinterklaas a racist has been online sonce 2011 and has 7000 members. A clear statement I would say. And now UN, mind your own bussiness.

So instead of dealing with the reason behind the "whore" I,e poverty. They decide it's better to just not offend them.
There must be an end to this craziness. It's easier for Govenments to fabricate a minor problem and fix it, than to deal with the real challenges that society faces. Useless!

Cheers Chris
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Santa aka Ol' Saint Nick, has been a jolly old elf for centuries, well known for his laughter in the form of Ho! Ho! Ho! countless generations before inter-city english declined to the state of speaking (and spelling) like complete idiots.

Instead of outlawing Santa's jovial laugh, they should take any idiot that talks like that and slap them upside the head.

And then grab the idiots that try and make a connection between Santa's laughter and a ghetto-slang word, and slap them upside the head as well.
Sounds like some members of the UN are getting coal this year; maybe they can burn it for heat to unfreeze their brains.

Sadly, I find the UN - like so many things before it - to have been a good idea that as it aged has gotten far out of hand. Law of unintended consequences, perhaps?
Current UN only eats more money with less service and fairness than ever.
Secretary-general speaks standing on his home country side.
IMF received 60 billion dollars from my country to save European banks last year but few thanks.
No thanks for such organization.
Yeah, I kind of look at the UN as the modern day equivellent of the League Of Nations.

And we all saw how well the LoN worked out...

Or the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.... suspend believe and the UN looks better than it is.

Has NATO had its day too now the Cold War is over?

Terry that would require that these yahoos actually be responsible for something besides taking money and using for there own self-gradification.Hell they probably gave Rudy the booze and then want to ban it.I say ban the UN..

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