Unofficial Bf 109-x GB: 1/72 Bf 109H-1

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Cheers guys.
Should be ok Vic... Has the usual MPM problem of thick trailing edges, but thankfully the mainplanes have been moulded in one piece, so only have to deal with that on the wing fillets. Opening the radiator flaps should sort that.
Yep. Too small a space for the carving blade too, so have to take small cuts off with the tip, then work them down with a pointed round file (normal file won't fit), finishing with a thin fibre-glass pencil and sandpaper... after that they need filling where the pin marks cut into the ribs, and to clean up my own cutting work.
You know, the usual.

Second nearly done.
Dzieki my friend.
Rear portion filed down and cockpit walls thinned to take PE sidewalls.
Each wall had an ejector pin mark like those fore and aft.
(Slight dip in rear section will be covered by PE panel)

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Not easy and so tedious.

Your working well Evan.

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