Unofficial Screenshot Thread (Any Game)

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The second one is me under the bridge sideways with my wing in the water and the bottom one is my upside down under the bridge...
The Jagdflieger Pips said:
I've had that one with Pips' plane killing that Hurricane for a while. n_n *happy dance* I'll have to link mine. I have a bunch from Wolfenstein and Medal of Honor.

New from the Medvedya Collection:

Goodbye Pippsy!

Guffaw as the brave RAF Hurricane pilot socks it one to another of Albions foes. Gloat as you see him spiral earthwards to spend the next five years incararated in a sunny Cumbrian POW camp!

'Goodbye Pippsy!' has been handcrafted with a superb 'just about play the game' internal graphics device, and comes in a highly limited edition of 250,000,000,000.

Given the time-intensive handcrafting, demand could rapidly exceed availablity. Be one of the first to get this unique image. Certificate of total historical inaccuracy guaranteed!


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See how the P-51 pilot can only Gasp as he views the skill of Maj. Cheddar Cheese shoot the wing off a Zero with his P-38L ;) (Nott the best screenie I know, but there isnt much else on my computer at the moment :lol: )


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:lol: At least you don't pick on my ace.

... Oh no, I bet Vati'll be next. ((No one voted for him in the poll. :( I would have, but I didn't feel like being a pain, so I just went with Jochen. ))
:mad: What game screenshots? 8)

I got 2 Spits, then one shot off and elevator so I had no manoeverability. I managed to get another but then another one got my other elevator and I crashed whilst attempting an emergency landing :( Ill try again ;)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein. The castle. Yep. My screenshots are boring.

Well, I don't think they are, I just take them that way because of the art class I had last year. So many things about drawing pictures a certain way makes me take screenshots the same. :)
Nice, the graphics look good 8)

Its the same story with shooting down the Spits everytime, I get a couple but then they take me out :(

(If anyone laughs, THEY try taking on 16 Spitfires on their own...)
The Jagdflieger Pips said:
Or Jochen? ((That's horrible. :lol: Jochen was a great pilot, I wouldn't want that done to him. :mad: ))

The Medvedya Collection presents:

Desert Kill

A Spitfire MkVIII pilot strikes oil high above the desert sands!

Oberleutnant 'Jochen' Marseille's shattered engine packs up under the relentless hail of cannon fire! :twisted:


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