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Yep, things are getting out of control. I just snuck into Njaco's office and here's what it looks like.

I'm gunna tell. I'm gunna tell.


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WELL, it would be cool..IF the powers that be would let us have our internet connection BACK! :|

I swear, i'm not trying to find a place to hide the body. Everyone is fine..and for the record...thats why God gave us the Bayou. *cough, cough* OR..so I hear.
Blame the diggers they dug up the carpet in the living room and ate the wiring:lol:
I swear, i'm not trying to find a place to hide the body. Everyone is fine..and for the record...thats why God gave us the Bayou. *cough, cough* OR..so I hear.
I, for one, will not believe that Les was done in by a girl!

(think I'm in trouble now!)
What are YOU talking about Lucky? I'm calling the SPCA!!!

BTW that chicken chow mein is only from yesterday. Its still good.


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I can't remember! You guys kept feeding me that Goldenshlagger crap with Red Bull and I was out by 5pm. My butt was worth 5 carats for a week! Where was that?

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