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Is it me or is there a picture of 401 Sqn. Spitfires in France?
Well, you'd be wrong because it's France 1944. Since Spitfires never went to France in 1940, there was only two squadrons of Hurricanes for fighters. And 4 Squadrons of Lysanders...WHICH got some 109 kills...
plan_D said:
Well, you'd be wrong because it's France 1944. Since Spitfires never went to France in 1940, there was only two squadrons of Hurricanes for fighters. And 4 Squadrons of Lysanders...WHICH got some 109 kills...

The Lysander got 109 kills? :shock: That is amazing! DO you know what kind of aircraft they scored against?
When the Second World War began, four Lysander squadrons were sent to France as part of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF). There they waited through the Phoney War until the hammer of the Blitzkrieg fell upon France and the Low Countries in May 1940. Lysanders were quickly in action performing spotting and bombing tasks, and suffered serious losses against the well-organised Luftwaffe forces. The crews fought bravely, but the Lysander squadrons were decimated. Despite the odds, some crews pulled off astounding successes. In one sortie, Flight Officer Doidge shot down a Henschel Hs 126 while his rear-gunner settled a Stuka on May 22. Pilot Officer Dexter and his gunner, AC Webb, each scored against Messerschmitt Bf 109's on May 21 in a half hour running battle over Arras. More typical were the supply dropping missions to the defenders of Calais. In one particular mission, 16 Lysanders and Hectors sortied. Only two returned. On another, the Lysanders were attacked by over-eager Spitfire pilots.


That's all I've got on it at the moment.
I happen to like the Lysander...cool plane 8)


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It is a nice plane. We're not calling it a bad plane, we're saying those were some poor bastards being jumped by -109s and Spitfires.
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