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Well, you'd be wrong because it's France 1944. Since Spitfires never went to France in 1940, there was only two squadrons of Hurricanes for fighters. And 4 Squadrons of Lysanders...WHICH got some 109 kills...
plan_D said:
Well, you'd be wrong because it's France 1944. Since Spitfires never went to France in 1940, there was only two squadrons of Hurricanes for fighters. And 4 Squadrons of Lysanders...WHICH got some 109 kills...

The Lysander got 109 kills? That is amazing! DO you know what kind of aircraft they scored against?


That's all I've got on it at the moment.
It is a nice plane. We're not calling it a bad plane, we're saying those were some poor bastards being jumped by -109s and Spitfires.
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