US Airways plane crashes in Hudson River

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Senior Master Sergeant
Gov't official says 'bird strike' cause of crash
By Scott Curkin; Eyewitness News

NEW YORK (WABC) -- Eyewitness News has learned a plane has crashed into the Hudson River.

Individuals who believe they may have family members on board flight 1549 may call US Airways at 1-8... within the United States.

The plane is an Airbus 320, US Airways flight 1549 from LaGuardia to Charlotte. There were 146 passengers on board the flight, along with 5 crew members. The FAA is reporting all passengers are out of the plane, and a secondary search is underway.

"TSA is monitoring the situation involving US Airways flight 1549. At this point, there is no indication that this is a security-related incident. TSA will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates if appropriate."

The plane went down near 48th Street. The plane took off from LaGuardia at 3:26 p.m.

Government officials say the plane's two engines went down after a flock of birds struck the plane. Witnesses say it appeared the plane made a controlled landing. "It was just unbelievable how this plane landed," said one witness.

ABC News has learned 30 seconds after the pilot was headed off rom the tower to the next controllers he reported two bird strikes and he wanted to return to LaGuardia.

The plane which was over New Jersey at the time, was ordered to return to LaGuardia. The pilot saw Teterboro airport outside of the plane, but obviously never made it.

One witness says he saw flames coming from the number one engine

Ferries were rescuing passengers, some who were seen standing on the wings of the plane. Because of the crash all ferry service is suspended between their 39th terminal in NYC and their Weehawken terminal, across the river in NJ.

"There is no information at this time to indicate that this is a security-related incident," Homeland Security spokeswoman Laura Keehner said. "We continue to closely monitor the situation which at present is focused on search and rescue."

The plane was submerged in the icy waters up to the windows, and rescue crews had opened the door and were pulling passengers in yellow life vests from the plane.

The plane was quickly submerged about 30 minutes after the crash.

Stay with Eyewitness News and for additional information on this breaking story.

Jet plane crashes in Hudson River - 1/15/09 - New York News and Tri-State News -
NEW YORK (CNN) -- A US Airways plane was down in the Hudson River on Thursday after attempting to take off from LaGuardia Airport, officials said.
The plane entered the water Thursday afternoon following a failed takeoff, the FAA says.

The plane entered the water Thursday afternoon following a failed takeoff, the FAA says.

US Airways Flight 1549, an Airbus A320, was headed to Charlotte, North Carolina, the Federal Aviation Administration said.

A passenger said he was "pretty sure" everybody on the plane got out.

"Somehow, the plane stayed afloat and we were all able to get on a raft," said the passenger, Alberto Panero. "It's just incredible now that everyone's still alive."

A New Jersey State Police source told CNN the pilot radioed to air traffic controllers that he had experienced a bird strike -- when a bird or flock of birds is sucked into the jet engine -- and declared an emergency.

FAA spokeswoman Laura Brown also said preliminary information indicates a bird strike. The plane was in the air for about three minutes before it went down, the FAA said.

U.S. Coast Guard units were responding, and a ferry on site was dropping life jackets into the water.

The New York Times, citing a local TV station, reported that the aircraft had 146 passengers and 5 crew members aboard.

The pilot tried to return to the airport when the plane fell into the Hudson, the Times reported. The Times said it was below 20 degrees in New York at the time the plane went down.

A couple of minutes after takeoff, "we just heard a loud bang," Panero said.

"The plane shook a bit and ... you could smell smoke and fire and immediately the plane started turning," Panero said. "All of a sudden, the captain came on and said, 'Brace for landing,' and that's when we knew we were going down."

The plane approached the water at a gradual angle and made a big splash, according to a witness watching from an office building.

"It wasn't going particularly fast. It was a slow contact with the water that it made," said the witness, Ben Vonklemperer.

"It appeared not to have landing gear engaged. This was bigger than a puddle-jumper or sea plane. It was a silver aircraft and it basically just hit the water," Vonklemperer added.

An Airbus A320 can hold a maximum of 179 passengers and a flight crew of two, depending on the configuration.
The pilot did the impossible.

And deserves the highest of praise.

I would fly with that guy every time!

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