US fighter production. Feasibility to scale up?

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The issue is this.
America was a British colony with British people.
They spoke English and had British laws and religion and British customs.
So they were British colonial settlers living in a British colony.

So even after the break, they were still fundamental British with British laws and custom and religion and the constitution was written in the English language!

So British people did invent America based on British laws, British customs and British religion using the English language.

So how is that not British?
New Amsterdam was captured by my English ancestors.

Spain did hold some of the modern USA. How did that work out for them?

What language is the American constitution written in?

Why not Japanese? Or Spanish? Or French? If you answer that question then you will find out why.
Some British regional accents almost need translation.
What do you mean "almost"? I was watching an old BBC news/interview/documentary piece where they were talking to Yorkshire farmers. It was subtitled for the audience in the U.K.

Of course, on my first day in Boston I stood staring stupidly at the woman behind a lunch counter as she repeatedly asked me the same question in growing frustration, until the guy behind me leaned over and translated ...

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