US Navy Website - Blocked why ?

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Wonder if there was a problem coming from a South Amrican IP and they did a blanket ban on incoming IPs from that region temporarily.

U.S. government websites are under constant attack from idiots all over the globe, so it wouldn't surprise me if that's the case...
Graugeist, I think that coud be this... here in Brazil are a lot of spammers and cyber criminals.

I understand that because of this few idiots we have to pay

Some months ago the Federal Police arrest a guy that was using an link from American Military Satelite to surf on web ! I can´t understant why to not use this knowledge to take his money by an honest way....

Shinpachi, I try from google, but the searches don´t are showed (I think because this IP blocking..), the webproxy that I try don´t solve it at all, because I can do a search on the website...

Will try to find that I need on books...

Thanks to all !
There are regions controlled by different internet authorities, you have:
ARIN (North America and Canada, North Atlantic and part of the Caribbean)
APNIC (Asia Pacific and parts of Oceana)
AFRINIC (Africa and parts of the Indian Ocean)
LACNIC (Latin America and part of the Caribbean)
RIPE NCC (Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia)

They control IP addresses and Autonomous System administration and registration. Depending on the threat level or attacks, you can block a whole range of IP addresses to eliminate a threat/attack with the assistance of an ISP, or you can block them as a precaution before the attack takes place.

The key authorities control the ranges for the regions they are part of and can assist finding the region and area the bad activity is coming from. The level of blocking and attacking depends on the skill of the attacker and the defender, and the potential of an "outbreak" from a botnet.

My guess would be that there have been some recent probes, attempts or attacks from somewhere in your region that has caused the block. What the scope of the threat is is anyone's guess.

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