The F7F that was in Duxford, England has been sold to an American by the name of Joe Clark. Joe is the designer of the winglets for the Boeings and others. Joe keeps the F7F in Van Nuys and it is flown by Clay Lacy.
The F7F that was in Duxford, England has been sold to an American by the name of Joe Clark. Joe is the designer of the winglets for the Boeings and others. Joe keeps the F7F in Van Nuys and it is flown by Clay Lacy.
I saw a Tigercat fly at Duxford a couple of years ago - an amazing machine, certainly would have made a great name for itself if it had made it into action.
I have heared from two naval aviator/one jarhead ace that flew F6F and F4U in WWII that said this was the best fighter they ever flew - just don't spin it.
It was designed as a strike fighter for the Midway series of Fleet Carriers post Essex Class. F8F's as Point Defense Aircraft and A-1's for the Bomb trucks. Would have been Awesome. 8)