USS Intrepid.....In LEGO Bricks!

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Staff Sergeant
Sep 2, 2007
Manila, Philippines
A lot of us build models with prebuilt plastic parts, but this is simply amazing. You will cry when you see it.

Here is a link on more of his photos on the Intrepid.

USS Intrepid Complete - Flickr

I remember several of his works with another builder on a LEGO Magazine I bought (It featured finely detailed Lockheed aircraft: F-117, SR-71 and U-2) and it is basically stunning.

That's incredible but at that level it's no longer a hobby. It's some sort of bizarre mental illness.
Very impressive! I have mixed feelings though - as impressive as it is, for all that time and effort, why not use 'standard' materials, and make a true scale model? Bl**dy good though !
Very impressive! I have mixed feelings though - as impressive as it is, for all that time and effort, why not use 'standard' materials, and make a true scale model? Bl**dy good though !

Exactly my thought. I've got nothing against Legos but they seem thoroughally unsuited to a project of such epic proportions - sort of like building the Taj Mahal out of match sticks. And yet people do that as well...
Imagine making a mistake and then you notice that the superstructure wont fit due to a single brick? Taking apart several thousand pieces just to fix it.

hmm... After I've seen some of the impressive model building here... I can't imagine any of the master model builders mocking the work required to do that.

Just think the Master Lego Builders do this kind of work and get paid for it!
I'm quite curious about how he built the model. If you're building a LEGO model on a scale like this, where do you start?

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