'Videos of the Day' an ongoing thread

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Coaler is pretty amazing, but then those russian pilots are known to be slightly crazy ;)

red arrows was also very good
French aerial fire-fighters.... awesome video IMO, these are ex-Navy Grumman S2s I believe. Plus some low-level shots of their other machines.

This is from a doc on Motors TV, a French station which fills the gaps between motor races with badly-dubbed French docs.

Two versions of same vid - one lo res for those sans BB and a bigger one at higher res for those with time on their hands.


  • pelicans_aerial_fire_fighters_part_1_lo_res_190.wmv
    3.1 MB · Views: 35
  • pelicans_aerial_fire_fighters_part_1_hi_res_148.wmv
    21 MB · Views: 50
By way of saying thanks and congrats on the new layout here is a great video.

One of the stars of any airshow has to be the Mirage 2000. This shows what it's like from the ground and from the cockpit as we watch the pilot stirring the pudding.

A bried glimpse of the F1 and the Reds at start and end.


  • RIAT-Mirage-2000.wmv
    5.9 MB · Views: 37
Thanks but don't count on it. Nearly finished with the RIAT stuff and may put the teams ones on the other thread.

It still baffles me why so few downloads on my clips. Hurts my feelings that my hard work is - with the exception of the hardcore fans - under-appreciated I feel. I thought vid clips were really popular and I even post them in a smaller size to encourage those without BB... and what happens? More of the higher res bigger file are downloaded! Weird.

I know it sounds extreme but I am getting close to packing it in. I go through these feelings every now and again thinking I should spend my spare time doing something else. But I do this by way of sharing good stuff I have found to say thanks to those who post their stuff. I suppose that's the way of the web a small percentage of people who 'seed' and the rest 'leeching' as they say. Nowt wrong with some of the latter because I understand not everyone has the means to do this.
yeah you probably have some of the best clips on this site, maybe some people can't keep up with your prodigious posting rate :)

I only have the time to watch them all because I don't have a TV and visit most days to see whats new.
Yuo cant pack it in Roy! I know I dont always download them, im normally busy with coursework or something, but if I see one that takes my fancy I have a look and theyre always great...
More RIAT - double treat - 2 clip sequence of RIAT98 celebrations of the Berlin Airlift. Enjoy multiple Skytrain/Dakota take-offs etc intermingled with archive B&W footage. Plus comments from 'those who were there' great blokes!


  • BAL_RIAT_98.wmv
    10.7 MB · Views: 37
  • BAL_RIAT_98-2.wmv
    11.7 MB · Views: 32

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