'Videos of the Day' an ongoing thread

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Clip from TV - ages ago, late 80s. I found an old tape with some airshows on it. This clip has Smiffy (some TV presenter type) having a joyride in Nick Grace's 2-seater. Important for the fact that we lost Nick a few years later and the plane has since been flown by his widow, Carolyn.

More great clips coming all this week and next... some real treats in store... no clues tho!


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Confirms its age... have you noticed that just about everything these days has to be accompanied by a disco soundtrack, not just planes... it is getting intrusive in motor sport too
wish the quality were a bit better but it is from a tape which was a VHS copy of an Betamax tape (yes really!)...
Nice clip, even the news has subtle music behind it now when they are reading out stories, they never used to have that, in facts it's so common it's quite noticable when they dont put music behind a clip.
The old joke... but an appropriate intro to get your attention for this clip of the replica Fokker Dreidekker - Triplane.
Towards the end as it lands you'll see its modern counterpart, the F16 awaiting its turn... another clip coming soon.
Dunno what happened to the Triplane though.


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Time we had something about WW1. Even tho it is a 'fake'. I recall seing this machine at airshows and was always amazed how agile it was... a slightly ridiculous with all those wings and bright red 'camo'.
Yeah, but it's the red that makes it what it is in my opinion. I can't think of any other combat aircraft with such a color scheme. Makes it look bold and powerful.
Long one of the highlights of any airshow - the awesome F16 from the late 80s.


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Thanks for the kind comments. Much appreciated.
Re-watching this clip it has some defects - maybe I can redo it and resend. It irritates me that the sound has gone a bot out of synch and there is 'tearing' when there is a lot of movement.... a video artifact.
That said, the video itself is a great production - a nice balance of informative Q&A between people who actually know what they are talking about and editing. These days we should be better than this not a ton worse. Then again I can't recall the last time any station ran an airshow. I bet we will not get a Farnboro show this year... it will only make the news if there's a crash. Have to wait for the DVD. I could go along of course... it is tempting because the USMC is sending over two Ospreys! I read today they are flying them over! Amazing birds.
So it's a celebratory special video.... Mustangs, Bearcats, Sea Fury, P39 and even a DC6 (I think)... hurtling around the Reno circuit. An old vid from the 80s.
Some screen grabs to whet the appetite!
I wish I had more of this prog - sounds like Chuck Connors doing the narration, used to love watching 'Branded'
when I was a kid, loved his Winchester antics in The Rifleman:
At the end you get a sneak preview of what's coming soon... didn't hit the stop button quick enough.
BTW years ago the BBC did a doc on the Confederate AF on the 'World About Us' series.... now where did I put that?


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Yup, it is the beginning of an ITV Anglia TV show covering the Mildenhall Air Fete back in the early 80s... a rarity that was never repeated.

The other weird thing is that somewhere I have a tape we made ourselves... the very first time anyone let me have a go with a camcorder. In Betamax no less. Weather was dreadful not that you would know from Anglia's coverage.

Some exquisite stuff to come as well as the Vulcan... a Lightning display by the ill-fated Mr Thompson.

The utterly stupendous ADV Tornado and Spitfire....

Another clip is of the RF4 Fournier Duo.... sublime...

did I forget, how could I forget, the Vikings...

Don't touch that dial!

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