Vote Best 'Battle of Britain' Siggy Poll

Your Favorite Battle of Britain Siggy

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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The Pop-Tart Whisperer
Feb 19, 2007
Southern New Jersey
So here it is - choose your favorite Battle of Britain siggy!

Since several members made a few siggies, they are listed in the order of the names. You can right-click your mouse on the pic to get the title of the siggy which will correspond with the member's name.

You can only chose one! Voting ends 13 August.


  • B17001.jpg
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  • Marcel001.jpg
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  • pong001.jpg
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  • Rochie001.jpg
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  • tbolt001.jpg
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  • tbolt002.jpg
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  • vassili001.jpg
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  • Charles.jpg
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I think most of them are too "busy". Too much stuff in a small space. I went with Maria's # 2. Just my opinion....
and we all know about opinions.

There all so good it's a hard choice. In the end I went for TBolt 3 with that subtle touch of a canopy being ejected ready for the ditching.
Voted for Charles' signature made by Wojtek (Wurger). You just can't beat the Siggy Master! One of your best works my friend. Like it a lot.
I would have voted for Charles' as well, but I already voted before it was added...

Edit: I am a mod. I can change my vote...

So I voted for Charles's (sorry Chris...).
Thank you Adler and Imalko, I appreciate the support. I could change my vote, but somehow that just doesn't sound
proper, so my vote for Maria's #2 will stand. I agree with you, tho, it is a good one....


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