It's quite an impressive list; that isn't even complete as it doesn't list those without names; those that were never declared; those between colonies; local wars or wars between pirates and companies with no nation politically involved (but a war nevertheless). And that doesn't include the skirmishes the colonial nations were having at sea time and time again without a declaration of war.
Recently I've been delving into the naval of the British Isles for past few weeks and it's safe to say, I'm quite shocked by what I didn't know - and in fact what most people seem not to know.
To think of all the Scottish that have a certain dislike for England because of the current situation; without realising that Scotland was too one of the colonial powers of Europe with exactly the same aims as England. So, in all reality, nothing bad can be said about England without looking at any other nation in Europe; including Scotland, and realising they were exactly the same.
It's interesting to note that until Sir Francis Drake circumnavigated the globe (1579 - 1580); English navigators were considered some of the worst in the world. The Scots were considered to be superior when it came to ocean voyages - and even had a colony in the Caribbean. While England found no friends in Europe; Scotland was considered a worthy ally - throughout the ages Scotland found friends against England from Sweden to Spain.
The Royal Navy had a lot of influence on the wars between Scotland and England; and many times saved England from a potential disaster which would have been a combined French/Scottish invasion - or Spanish/Scottish invasion (although some Spanish troops did land in Scotland). Even the Battle of Culloden was influenced by the Royal Navy. But the conquest of England by Scotland could have been and was very close many-many times.
But since the world of monarcy is all very muddled, to be polite, England "conquering" Scotland (as some people think it did) doesn't make a difference. England hasn't been ruled by an "English" monarch since before James I (who was Scottish), if I remember correctly, we've had William III (Dutch) who was allied with himself - but not officially because he didn't sign his name twice and then the Georgian era of Hanoverian origin which pulled England out of wars against France because George I and II were scared of losing Hanover - and was hostile toward Sweden in the Great Northern Wars; while England merely wanted to protect its trade.
I guess what I'm trying to say is; for all Europeans to think about (descendants or currently living here) - Because of the monarchy of Europe; whichever country you hate for a war that happened several hundred years ago; just forget it because you're all f*cking related!
- except the French, you can still hate them - Louis XIV was a tw*t.
Oh, and Americans, did you know that New York was considered a second Port Royal! Pirate bast*rds !
I'm kidding