Admiral Beez
I do admire the British (I am an UK-born, indigenous English after all, no matter what the Guardian says) tendency to avoid naming their important ships after politicians. Yes, there's HMS Churchill, but most are named after battles, admirals (though HMS Iron Duke was an army general, and pm), places, or my favourite, as you say stupendous adjectives: Implacable, Indefatigable, Formidable, Indomitable, Audacious, Illustrious, Resolution, Defiance, Invincible, and of course Dreadnought to name a few. Then there's the constellations like Canopus and Orion, and the mythological heros like Achilles and Argonaut, and all the Didos.The problem I have remembering the names of RN ships is it that they all seem to have these stupendous adjectives for names.
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