What annoyed you today?

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Baby has been crying all day. Wife frazzled. My turn for the next 3-4 hours. No annoyed, somewhat resigned. Comes with the territory.
Baby has been crying all day. Wife frazzled. My turn for the next 3-4 hours. No annoyed, somewhat resigned. Comes with the territory.
That sucks man it only happened once to me and its tough . I never tried as a cure but every time mine went for a drive it was out like a light.
That sucks man it only happened once to me and its tough . I never tried as a cure but every time mine went for a drive it was out like a light.

A bunch of people have said that. In summer, that would be pleasant. 10F here now, gotta work around it.

Have a basket she lies in (only 7 weeks old) and I carry her around the house with me like carrying a suitcase. Sounds odd but it works. As long as I don't bump into too many things. She cried for two hours and eventually went to sleep. Funny thing, crying kids used to annoy the crap out of me. Now it bothers me but nowhere near as much. Must be some mental block or switch that gets flicked on in our heads when we have kids. Automatically increases your resistance to that stuff. At least with your own.
what a bunch of weinies !!!!!! geez now I am carrying my youngest grand-daughter like she was my own when she cries. heck this will all pass to quickly. Enjoy it for what it is worth . . . . . NOW

So does my father. And a nastier person you'll never meet. Seriously, he is one mean son of a bitch.

I can not handle the fact tahat they ask the same thing over and over and do rediculas things, I can not handle such things it iratates me. My mom chose the worst part of the year to bring here here and now it just makes it unbearable at home. I wish I had the cash to get a flat.

Bummer. My understanding is they don't get any better. Getting out of the house as much as possible is a good idea. Otherwise, play it loose. Nothing to be gained argueing with a demented senior. Done that. Waste of time and bumps the blood pressure.
Airlines seats with short backs. The **** curve of the seat results in no lumbar support and the top hits me right in the middle of the back. Airline seats are made for midgets.
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