What annoyed you today?

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arg, smashed my right hand working between two oversized limbs .......... yeah way to go stooge .... typing hurts like asiatic beet puss
next door neighbour is an arborist he's looking for like minded people to lobby to make Arbor day a Statutory holiday
I accept, I agree, I am all for it................and why the heck not, everyone else has a holiday named after them. I'll strike this up with my congressman.........nah he's an idiot

You need to be more careful. You allways seem to hurt yourself in some way.

Oh and what pissed me off. I accidently left a light on in my Jeep last night so when I went out to start it this morning the battary was dead! Had to get a neighbor to jump start me.
They are beautiful creatures. Very missunderstood.

They are indeed...Thinking of getting a pet snake sometime in the future, probably when I go to Uni...

What annoyed me? I heard some terrible cover of Walk This Way. I sat there and listened to half of it in absolute disgust before going back into the house fuming. These pathetic cover versions of great songs that brainwash stupid people into thinking that its the original and that its the best thing ever...Grrrr...
We've had about a about 40cms of snow in the past day , now this isn't a problem but I shovel the driveway and sidewalk a few times a day as its easier then waiting for the end of the snow. So I shovelled and as I finished the plow drove by filling in the end of the driveway . no problem shovel it out. And to my amazement another plow goes by filling it in again once again I shovel it out only to be ambushed the 3rd time . The plows cleaned my street 3 times in 1/2 hour
They are indeed...Thinking of getting a pet snake sometime in the future, probably when I go to Uni...

Since you dont have really any experience with snakes my recommendation is to start off with something small and easy to keep such as a Corn Snake. They are very friendly, easy to handle, love to be handled and eat without problems in captivity.

If you absolutely want to go with a Python or Boa then I recommend getting a Ball Python (the kind of snake that I have now) or a Red Tailed Columbian Boa. Both have there advantages and disadvantages though.

The Ball Python is nice because they dont get to big (normally not bigger than 5 and half feet but in some rare cases 6 ft). They are quite docile and rather than bite they curl up into a tight ball (hense the name). They are farely easy to keep but you they a very sensitive to the humidity of the terrarium (if you dont keep the humidity at 70 to 80 percent they can get lung problems and die).

They are fairly easy to work with so as to "tame" them (even though you can not tame a snake) and as I said above they do not bite)

However they are very sensitive and get stressed out easily. They also can be difficult at first to get them to eat but once they start to eat and trust you they are no longer a problem. They do however every year go into a period where they may not eat from 2 to 4 months. Mine just got off of this and ate for the first time since late December.

The Red Tail Columbian Boas get quite bigger than the Ball. They are easy to keep in a terrarium and usually are quite friendly and docile but young Red Tails can have a temperament and bite pretty easily.

I used to have a Ball Python, Burmese Python (she was a bitch!), and a Red Tail Columbian Boa all at the same time. At the moment I only have a Ball Python. As soon as I build my house in Alaska though I plan to have about 20 different snakes in my house.

Like I said I recommend starting off with a small easy snake such as the Corn Snake until you learn how to go about handling and caring for these beautiful creatures.
What annoyed me ?

The British Hollidays started last Friday at the ski station where I work. Like I didn't want to lose an opportunity to sell a book, I printed a small poster (8 1/2" x 11") of my book and sticked it to the wall in the main chalet where a lot of peoples could see it. Today, I went back there to buy myself something to drink and I realized someone took it away. (May be my boss ?)

I think I'm gonna print a new one and attach it around my neck...


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