What annoyed you today?

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You coughed on it?

I got of from work just barley working to and a half hours at 11:30 AM and then were called to come in at 7 PM again. I wish I could get a better job but the little I get I never had, except when I worked on the elections I got 400 Rand just for two days of sitting around.
half 7, awwww

and it's been one of them duys when absolutely nothing's gone right and just about everything's annoyed my, i've cut myself, got covered in dirt and dust, got bits of grass flicked at my eyes, broke a gate and the pin to a jarry can, repeatedly had to cut akward parts of a field, MP3 ran out of battery as did my radio, didn't get anything done today that i wanted to, the list goes on...
cheddar cheese said:
And you call me an emo

difference being mine was by accident on a rusty weel guard, whilst i was outside actually doing some work

and to add to yesterday's run of missfortune i ****ed up whilst driving, forgetting to raise the hydraulics so of course when i turned there was an almight clunk and i was lucky not to flip the trailer over......

and what's annoyed me today? not much......
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