What annoyed you today?

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You guys think that is tough, what about waking up already late for work and still being drunk starting at 9am and then not eating until 10:30pm.

The reality of the fact that the company where I applied for a job not even telling me that they wont accept me for the job and now I must go through the 1 month of school holidays working at a video store where it is going to be very busy and not being able to spend time with my friends or family.
The Boss thinking he can push my buttons and try to intimidate me, I was at the point of kicking his @ss, but rather called his brother wich is with him in the business and he said it would be best if I go home. So they held a hearing against me and the fucking @sshole were there and also denying stuff wich happened, but I only got a warning. If he went on with his bullsh*t I would have kicked his @ss and then also lost my job, but it would have felt so good.

He ruins my day just with his presence.

You are lucky, we can not get cool drink, food or any type of energy while we are at work, can not leave the store and thus must wait for someone to help you out. We can not even take a sh*t.
when they brought my household goods they broke my bookshelf, wallshelf, breadbasket, table, tv stand, and lost my lamp shade.

Buddy of mine went to move and the movers informed him that firearms could not be included due to existing laws. However, they noted that they would take them for him under the table. Upon arrival they denied that they ever received them and quoted company policy and legal rules preventing them from doing so. Total scam.
well it's too stinkin warm here in south Oregon, the snow is off the tops of the hills at 4500 feet and was hoping for Mr. ....

very soon and my PC is very slow today in the land of the Platonic Sphere, frickin insurgents
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