What annoyed you today?

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I know what you mean. We had 20cm or so of snow fall two weeks ago today, and two days later it had all melted. weird. I kinda like a white Christmas, myself.

I'm so sorry to hear that, Erich. My thoughts go with you and the missus. Chin up.
Hang in there Henk. It's all relative and the actual day you work is really not important in the Christmas scheme of things. I worked for United Parcel Service while going to college and I had to work every bloody holiday there was since those were major package days. You are not alone and some actually enjoy an excuse to miss the formalities and immerse themselves in the spirit. The spirit can be enjoyed any day. Any hour. Any minute.

I bought a young girls coffee the other day. Pay it forward.
I have an old photo of my Grandmothers brother who was shot down over England during the war. Can someone tell me what the patches etc. are on his uniform. He is German.
Hey Ranger. You think that your going to get satisfaction on the "What Annoyed You Today" thread??? How about in the "Aviation" thread with pics so we can properly evaluate your request.
My daughter and her new ATM card have run amuck. Almost $100 in
the red and after bank overdraft fees, I expect I will be bailing her
out to the tune of $250+. I am sure I taught her better than that.
On the other hand, her Mom has similar tendancies...Argh!
a friend saying she hates christmas, yet despite her "hatred" of christmas she loves christmas pudding, doesn't refuse the gifts, took part in a christmas quiz and secret santa with her friends and even played at a carol service, it fucking pisses me off when people're so hypocritical.........
hate Christmas !!!!!!!!! no way, may she be covered in body lice till the new years

I feel a vermin catching me in the throat with all this foul drippy fog, where the snow ??, it's warmed up considerably since last night
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