What annoyed you today?

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Wife got pissed at me for eating a couple designated "Christmas Cookies" before Christmas...

That Irish lass' temper really flares up sometimes...
I'm ok slightly shaken up maybe a small concussion, my days climbing trees maybe long gone now ........ i'm typing with about two fingers and very slowly
could have, but wasn't

and trying to work out all the sub-systems for the electronics circuit need to make, you'd think they'd make it easier to trigger an astable 555 from a 4017 wouldn't you
The fact that the boss told me he is going to f*ck me up because I told him I refuse to work on Christmas day and he told me he will have a disciplinary hearing against me and I told him that I will do what ever it takes to defend myself against this and get someone to represent me against his bullshit.

Now he thinks he has money to grind me, well I know what can bring him to his knees, I work for him I know all the illegal sh*t he is doing. In our legal system it is stated that you can not force someone to work on a religious day and keep him from practising his religion, and it is a public holiday.
Still trying to lick this cold. And Erich you don't need to be climbing trees anyway. You keep doinking yourself up, man, and your bike riding days will be over. And you and I both know that would lead to worse things.
kill him ?? now that is not very Christmas like is it ?

I'm as unstable as I always was, is, am, near, far, what the heck, time to run outside butt naked ........... with lights dangling from my tusch
well I just radio'd Santa and he is sending a bag full of curses to Hendrik's Boss.

man the plague sounds a bit harsh but so does boils on the private parts, and fire ants, and . . . ........... poor begger
in my little area of the Platonic Sphere......hardly. Tried riggin up NOEL for my butt but the lights would not stay stuck on my Tusche' even with duct tape 8)

I did a trial down my block in the rain and an oncoming 4x4 almost smashed into one of my neighbors rigs
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