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I spent ages making Austria my allies, thjen Germany went and annexed them. Bastards! Ive also pointlessly started war with Tibet, because we cant actually engage in combat. Im now gonna try and Influence UK's politics and make them my allies, somehow. I dont really know what im doing though
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I've almost finished my first steps to becoming a decent naval power, one fleet has six Battle-Class DD flotillas, three Quebec-Class CLs and and three Surrey-Class CAs. And I have a Destroyer Squadron with six more DD flotillas. I've upgraded the Hurricane Is to Martlets. And I'm building three more factories. And six wings of Halifax bombers! That'll fuckin' screw 'em over ... The war has started, and Poland has already been fucked over. My interceptor wings are in France...and won quite a few battles against the Luftwaffe over Saarbrucken.
You are going to lose ... bad! Italy are a hard nation to play as, especially as your first go. It all looks good at first ... my advice, get Britain out of North Africa as soon as possible.
What pissed me off when I was playing with Germany was the damn Italians. They were my allies ofcourse and then fucking I would go in and invade countries like Greece and Yugoslavia and then Italy would annex them after I did all the work. Fucking bastards!
That irritated me when I was playing as France, because I had no connection of land to the Soviet Union all the land I captured went to Holland. But if I didn't go on the offensive the Soviet Union would have crushed Europe.

CC, you want to be aiming for at least 60 infantry divisions and the more, the better. They will follow your armoured divisions in and secure the land you gain. I, personally, never mix armoured and infantry divisions together in the same Corps. My mixes are almost always two armoured and one motorised (or mechanized) infantry in each Corps of three divisions. I did have an armoured army though as America that had nine armoured divisions.

I'm not having much time to play it recently, nor am I having much time to read "Bomber Crew" - it's all quite irritating.
lesofprimus said:
Just got done with this attempt to take Dunkirk before being stopped by Hitler.... I still wonder what would have happened if he just rolled into port guns blazing and Englishmen screaming...

I know it would of been interesting. BEF amounted to alot of UK (Bristish, not including other common wealth countries) ground forces. They would of been crushed, mmmm I wonder how that would of effected any peace offers made by Hitler to UK. I think UK would of still fought on but still it would of been interesting.
went back to one of my luvs, Napoleonics

reading author Peter Hofschröers enlightening book 1815 the Waterloos Campaign the German victory.

I can really see why he pissed off many English Waterloo experten with these two volumes ........ very interesting reading

der Alt ♫
That's an excellent book, I've had it a while now. You'll learn to appreciate the danger he put himself in to command his men when the book reaches Barbarossa.
I was impressed where he is talking about grabbing a captured 47mm ATG and attempt to destroy a Char B with it....

All the shells bounced harmlessly off... He states, "As a result, we inevitably suffered sadly heavy casulaties..."

Thats pretty sobering words right there.... Im diggin the book so far... Someone here actually recommended it....... Dont remember who now, but I think it was pD....
He was a hands-on general, certainly. No one can take that away from Guderian. You get to see how much he put himself forward even in the Polish campaign when German artillery was landing around his command vehicle!

The book is exciting and informative about armoured tactics. Fact is always more interesting than fiction. Can you imagine a movie made about him? Most people wouldn't believe it. A lone General firing an anti-tank gun at an incoming tank ... sounds like a cheesy section in a Hollywood movie.

Oh ... and Balck ... you'd have heard of him already...on the Meuse crossing. He became Army Group G commander in the West in 1944 ... ! And he started out the war as an infantry regiment commander! Best Panzer commander in history in my opinion - and by the time you've finished with that book, I think you'll agree...

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