What comes to your mind when you think in this countries?

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I can freaking believe I forgot to mention Ferrari, Lamborghini, Pagani Zonda Alfa Romeo when thinking about Italy!
at least brazil have a very commom image in all world: rainforrest, beaches, soccer, samba, carnival.

and herr adler forgot amazon(or amazonia) is the same of rainforrest so he mentioned rainforrest twice !

and comiso90 show been more concerned about reality and also mentioned corruption, wich is unfortunely a very great problem.

but i dont know what the hek is a peack bass ?
I agree most of your summaries - added some thoughts in bold

Thanks DR, I find your post very enjoyable, actually I think is the best till now in this topic.
Alvear Hotel ? man you were in the top notch in BA 8)

Your qualifications of Argentine and italian women shows that you know about that bussines.

And by the way you post has been educative in other way...I didnt knew that Pamela Anderson is canadian :lol:
Thanks DR, I find your post very enjoyable, actually I think is the best till now in this topic.
Alvear Hotel ? man you were in the top notch in BA 8)

Your qualifications of Argentine and italian women shows that you know about that bussines.

And by the way you post has been educative in other way...I didnt knew that Pamela Anderson is canadian :lol:
I disagree about Italian women they look hot when they are young but then the wheels fall off as they age, I base this on the fact the population of the area I live in has quita a few Italians as a matter of fact Toronto is the largest Italian city outside of Italy
A exercise of honesty. I am not looking for any brainy analisis of what the countries actually are, but what comes to your mind when you think about those, without thinking much.

I agree most of your summaries - added some thoughts in bold

My toughts:

-Argentina; Paradise in Earth, hot woman factory, skilled people, ruined (not ruined but spoil fun) by bad politicians, underarmed military.World class Red Stag, Perdiz, Geese, Dove and Pigeon.. and women - remind me of Texas (except for quail and deer), Polo and horsemanship, Alvear Palace Hotel and Plaza Hotel 'back in the day' - did I mention the females of the species? Buenos Aires is one of my very favorite cities

-Brazil. Overrated women, nice beaches, 12 years old kids with M-16s, great football players, "Hotel employees saying...please dont go out after 18:00..", Pampas, jungle, peacock bass, Amazon, Carnivale

-Chile: rude people, Argentine wanabees, ugly women, good military, good police, amazing south landscapes, black sand and cold water beaches, rude people (didn't run into too many rude people

-Uruguay: I am not.I have enjoyed Uruguay and one of my favorite cities is Montevideo - great dove and perdiz hunting west and duck hunting northa round Chuy

-Paraguay: Former girlfriend, nice but poor people. Marihuana, A country that somehow have more good looking woman that one might suppose .Have not been to Paraguay

-Colombia: Drugs infested country, uneffective military. Great hunting, dangerous to stray, beautiful women around world class hotels but ugly in town

Peru - Machu Picchu

-Mexico: Bad spicy food, people with large hats, drug cartels, nice beaches, ugly women, people invading USA Unbelievable Mayan and Aztec and Olmec ruins, Cozumel diving in the old days at the south end and the Palancar, Pigeon Shoots - both Columbaire and Box Flyers. Don't drink the water.

-USA: Joyful cammo dressed chubby dove hunters, hot dovehunters wives, NBA, too much hurricanes, gun laws and amendment that I would love to have here, too much aircraft carriers, not so smart president. People that is always looking to pay in places that you dont suppose to. People that suffer in hands of mexicans inmigrants. Erika Eleniak. A lot of channels in my cable system that I have to pay but I dont really see much. Erika Eleniak.

Being a lovable and joyful chubby dove hunter with a hot dove hunter (and pigeon shooting) wife, freedom to say what I will, having a military tradition of serving the Constitution to protect all my rights, beautiful country and mostly friendly people - and the only place in the world where you can find Texas and Alaska... Erika Eleniak and Kelly LeBrock when she is in country, Dallas Cowboys and Univ of Texas, the old SWC and SEC. Lonesome Dove

-Canada: bears ? Unbelievable beauty, pretty solid people - a lot like western Americans in Western Canada - best big game hunting out of Africa, Pamela Anderson before she had a boob job and went south mentally. Ruder people in Quebec than Paris.

-Spain: Grandfathers, nice people, good food, awful gun laws, people that sometimes is too afraid to spoke his mind out. Basque Terrorism, Country invaded by black people. The Prado, Avilla, Toledo Cathedral, Botine's, great red legged Grouse hunting south of Madrid - the Palacia Real that Bill Gates could not buy with his wealth - the Masters paintings in the Toledo Cathedral Vestry that Bill Gates could not buy and portraits of every pope going back to roman times. The almost 100% intact architecture and art from Christ's time through today. Terrain Reminds of West Texas and Southern California and Southwest US.

-France: Mirages, Rafales and wine, Laetitia Casta, Paris too. The Louvre, Normandy overlooking Omaha from the cemetary.. French wine country, the Sun Kings's Palace.. the architecture.. the great people outside Paris - the toads that comprise Paris

-Germany: Blitkrieg, panzer, Wehrmatch, my neighbour BMW, Mercedes Benz, chocolate and cherry cakes, high quality machine tools. Autobahn. A land that should have more good looking girls that the number actually coming out from there. The females are not exported but remain excellent, the Beer, the food, the Black Forest, Munich, the river trip down the rhine and wondering if I lived there once long ago

-Austria: Hitler, strudel, Glock. Linz, Vienna, the skiing and the apres ski

-Italy; My grandfathers, hot women, good food, hot women, really nice people, hot women, sexy ww2 aircrafts, hot women, fast cars, hot women, and hot women too. The Basillica, The fine shotgun guilds in the north, fabri and Perazzi and Rizzini and Abbiatico and Salvinelli and Beretta, Rome, the Colisium, the food and the pretty ladies, Venice and Florence and the Art and the Architecture - even with the smell of ?? in the air.

England: Gun ban, good soldiers, Dormer, dowsized industry manufactures, Holland Holland, the only people in Europe that actually knows about argentine culture and history, Rugby, Polo, too many muslims. Another place up around Scotland where I wonder if I have been there before - the Brit dry sense of humor and tradition of 'stiff upper lip' - that translates to "go hard or go home' in Texas. London. Audley and St James, Mayfair, the Ritz, British Museum - Lesley Anne Down/Kelly LeBrock

Scotland - the gorse, the driven grouse, the steep hils and valleys, Edinburgh, Isley and single malt scotch. The horizontal rain in November and a roaring big fire in a 700 year old estate with a single malt-neat in my hand that has never been exported anywhere

-Sweden: A lot of blondes, Volvo, Bofors. Clean, smart people, tough,who don't think like me but admired nevertheless.. beautiful country and a lot of damn good looking females.. and Britt Eklund back in the day

-Rusia: Former communism, people that think everybody in the world is against them, cold women, Vodka, Kalashnikovs, nuclear missiles, self exploding submarines. Tough, smart people, Moscow, St Petersburg - private tour in the basement of the Hermitage on one side - Lubyanka on the other just to 'remind' - great warriors - doesn't remind me of Texas

-Japan: weird people, swords masters, ww2 war crimes, Honda, Susuki, Kawasaki, Yamaha.Honor, integrity, tough, smart, formidable, watching fishermen and their cormorants tied at the throat with string, fishing under bamboo and paper laterns near Kobe. The roar of P-51s and F-84s and B-26s and F-86s taking off from Johnson and Itazuki and Tachikawa, wondering if my father would be coming home.

South afrika: Springboxs 37 : Los Pumas 13, racial issues, AIDS. Great hunting and surfing, tough Afrikanner - hard headed but steadfast and loyal friends

-Israel: Good Military, hot military girls, small. An enigma for me - respect their toughness, don't often like their manners - could be said about me also

-Australia. Nice sandy beaches, sharks, Tobruk, Cocodrile dundee, place I would like to visit. One of my favorite people - that except for gun control laws - remind me most of Texans - great sense of humor, great women as salty as the guys - love the coast - even Darwin, but not fond of the outbackDidn't appreciate the Funnel Spiders or the Brown snake - or any of the other 10 critters that can take out the unaware.

-New Zealand: All blacks.

New Zealand is a spectacular place to hunt, good people, maybe the prettiest single island country in the world. Reminds me of Alaska in the summer. Lucy Lawless and Xena - reminds me of my wife

I also love Finland, Denmark and Ireland also for many different reasons but Ireland most for Irish Wolfhound breed...
Ever been in Denmark Bill ?

Yes - I love the country and the people. Most of my baltic travels over the years have been business and I never spent more than a week at a time in Denmark and Sweden and Finland - and never made Norway.

My wife has a lot of probable Dane/Swede roots in her background
I too love the Scandinavian countries. I have been to Denmark and Norway on several occasions. Almost took a job last year in Denmark.

Me and the wife are probably going to fly up to Norway for a weekend this winter.
I disagree about Italian women they look hot when they are young but then the wheels fall off as they age, I base this on the fact the population of the area I live in has quita a few Italians as a matter of fact Toronto is the largest Italian city outside of Italy

You need to see these women in her natural enviroment, I was lucky enough to visit Italy in 1998 and then in 2007 and my god...my head was turning like Linda Blair in "The exorcist". Gorgeous women of every age.

The argentine women could be considered as the italian in many aspects but of course we have that mix of spanish, gaucho and a little of german added to the equation that make them more interesting than the pure italian females. 8)
i think the italian woman is very beatifull and also the italians are more "well dressed" than other people. they are allways in the top of fashin or fine dressed. its a country where you have the best culinaire, beautifull woman and great places to visit. the result ? most of italians are pacifist, they eat well, the live well they f*** well, so why disturb the others ?

viva la italia !
Eh, Dunkirk Dutch? No, not that I'm aware of. We of course claim the whole Europe be ours :lol:

I know its not Dutch, Marcel. But I can't separate Dunkirk from Dutch complaints that it should be under it's sovereignty. Oh well. Again, just first things that come to mind.
Originally Posted by Cota1992
Ukraine crazy women you should never marry

Did you?

Sorry for the delay in answering, I didn't but a close freind did and it' been a horror show for three years. He's currently getting unmarried.

:lol: Same with a guy that works for me.
-Argentina Faulklands, Soccer, dirty rugby team

-Brazil ex-Nazis, Soccer, beaches and Favellas of Rio, Aryton Senna

-Chile high mountains, very nice restaurant and staff in New York

-Uruguay don't want to offend but honestly small version of Argentina

-Colombia Drug cartels, cocaine, bannana republic

-Mexico gang violence, border jumping into US, Corona and Sol

-USA Powerful, friendly people, interesting political system, huge economy

-Canada A cold Australia, nice place, Canadian Mounted Police, Gilles and Jacques Villeneuve

-Spain Real Madrid and Barcelona, beautiful summer, place of intriuge

-France Untrustworthy, soft people, great culture, scene of many great battles

-Germany beer culture, great industry, Porsche and sorry but WW2 and WW1

-Austria lovely mountains, would like to know more, similar to Germany

-Sweden blonde girls, neutral ABBA, Getaway in Stockholm, Saab and Volvo

-Italy Racing cars, Ferrari, Maserati, Lamborghini, dirty soccer team, pizza

-England traditional world power, good tough determined people, sensible

-Czech Republic would love to visit, beautiful women, east meets west

-Hungary Hungary uprising, former soviet, place want to learn more about

-Ukranie wheat industry, close affiliation with Russian, tough people

-Russia Soviet Union, Vodka, Oil, Mafia and the battle of Stalingrad

-China rising power, massive economy, interesting government

-Japan economic powerhouse, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda and Honda, unique culture, electronics, Samauri

-Saudi Arabia very wealthy, oil, a lot to learn, untrustworthy

-Lebanon in a tough situation, gangs in Australia, harsh life

-South Africa Wildlife, Racism, Sports, Crime, Boer War

-Israel proud, excellent fighters, military, tough people, tough situation

-Australia. my home, mateship, relaxed, Reliable, will be there when **** hits the fan, rugged and unique

-New Zealand loyal reliable allies, beautiful, brothers in arms, nice people, RUGBY, Chris Cairns
true, but ask them and wait for the denial. Your brazilian though, so I dont doubt your have more knowledge than I do.

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