.......What is a tank???

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Not in a tank it isn't. In what way do you believe petrol is better than diesel?
in the majority of circumstances, petrol is far superior to diesel. refer to the petrol or diesel thread for all my points cas i cant be bothered to type them all again
becuase there are no points to argue, jeremy clarkson made it from london to edinbourgh and back with one tank of deisil, you can't do that in a petrol........................
im sure several petrol cars could do the same. and besides, what does a diesel audi do for your image when you can have a faster, lighter petrol one which makes less noise and is more refined for less money
We want economy in this country, high prices dictate the types of cars we drive. A middle-class person wants economy and class...that's where the Audi comes in...

Who cares about noise and price, in a TANK!?! Diesel is the best form of fuel for tanks...
planes......motorbikes, i mean can you imagine a diesel motorbike and generators and lawnmowers and strimmers and hedgetrimmers and leafblowers....and speedboats

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