What is Irans military capibilites?

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i just tell what i think about gripen, i dont get why you bug me about that sub im prettý sure the US Navy hired the SWEDUSH sub to get there sonar and stuff uptodate so they can take care of Iran and North Korea, and we are allways willing to help.

No I dont think we are waiting for that. As a member of the US military I believe we are waiting until the time is right. Right now we are spread to thin.
I was in a P-3 squadron. Right now ASW warfare is becoming a lost art because subs are no longer perceived as a major threat. One of our intelligence officers once told me that someday when the threat is real the US will be in a big rush to retrain crews to perform ASW operations. In the mean time the exercises like those with Gotland are keeping the ASW art alive.

With or without the Gotland US Navy ASW squadrons will lean to track anything put in the ocean - they did it for 40 years during the cold war and they'll continue to do it into the 21st century....
yeah guess it was a waist of time going there and a waist of money spend from the US Navy.
I'm sure the exercise was of value to both sides a good coastal submarine would make a change of pace for American ASW and the good coastal sub faced different challenges from working in the shallow Baltic both sides probably gained experience and its probably a whole lot cheaper to rent the sub then send P3s and crews away TD
and a waist of money spend from the US Navy.
San Diego i think it was and sorry for the bad spelling.
Training like what ur talking about here is not a waste of time or money at all... In reality, the US Navy spends far too little time in actual combat operations...

I was correcting ur spelling to help u out, so there's no need to apologize u Swedish Meatball.... Waist is ur midsection or beltline, waste is to use, consume, or expend thoughtlessly...
You mustn`t be so hard to the Swedes. They havent been in combat since the early 1800.

I have heard that some of the modern conventional subs can be very quiet and capable. I am concerned that a solo strike could do some damage. A destroyed nuclear aircraft carrier would make quite a statement. Of course I don't know the capability of the anti-sub hunters.
speaking of the mid-east what is this about al-Zarkawi getting toasted today by an Allied airstrike ? If so he was a marked man and it was just a matter of time before ................ blllllllllllllllllllllltttttttttttttt ........... ? poof

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