What is the Best Beer in the World Poll

What is the best beer?

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This has been my new brew for a while - great stuff!

Remember lads, the next time you're at a pub and a "hot" waitress or bartender tries to push some American "Buttwiser" or Miller crap on you tell her this, "Life is too short to drink cheap beer and to dance with ugly women." Then pause, look in her eyes, smile and say "I'd love to dance with you!"
Didn't the old Lucky Lager bottle caps have little messages on the inside?

Also brings back memories of the old "Brew 102" brewery there in Los Angeles.

I remember Brew 102! There were so many - Hamm's, Jax, Luck Lager and some great commercials!
I don't remember if it was Lucky that had the messages under to cap, I do remember some beer did.
There used to be some rumor about Olympia beer and numbers under the labels.

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