What is the Best Beer in the World Poll (2 Viewers)

What is the best beer?

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April 23rd is "Tag des Deutches Bieres" or "German Beer Day".

In Germany it commemorates the "Reinheitsgebot of 1516", "Beer Purity Laws of 1516".

In honor of this great day...


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Just for clarity, I will state that the best lager offered here in North Carolina is a little offering by the Plank Road Brewery, Wischonscon, sorry, it is good, The plank road brewery, Wisschoncion... Dammit, It is Icehouse lager 8.8, and I like it. They make it in a northern state next to Minnesota!
So there!

Actually, list is not really correct.
Regarding #10: In Medieval Germany, it would be considered an often fatal affront if you refused beer offered by a Feudal Lord (who controlled the local breweries) and you could also run the risk of death if caught consuming or possessing a rival Lord's beer.

Regarding #9, think about it. The closer it is to closing time, the more the standards change. There is also a very good reason why the term "beer goggles" came into being.

Regarding #8: The Beer War of 1380 | Wroclaw

Regarding #5: see #10

Regarding #4: several archeologists have been able to ressurect ancient beer recipes. There is one, Patrick McGovern, who has been able to recreated beer recipes over 3,000 years old. A good article here: Ancient brews brought back to life - tribunedigital-chicagotribune

Regarding #2: Bud Light people have been trying for years...but we know better...


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