What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (3 Viewers)

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well gnomey i shall now elaborate into what you will no doubt find to be an infinitely amusing story........

As an As level i took Electronics, having gotten an A* at GCSE Electronics. My first As level electronics lesson, a double period, was timetabled for the first two periods on Monday morning. Having turned up me and a friend that took Electronics last year were supprised to see some people turn up for electronics i can tell you! But i digress... Unfortunately there are no teachers at our school with the time to teach As electronics, there's one that's qualified to but alas, he already has a full timetable. As such we have to be taught by a guy from a nearby College. He cannot possibly commute from his college to ours in time to teach us so in what is a first for our school, a video link was set up, or at least it was attempted. Upon arrival in our timetabled room the laptop and camera was already set up, we were all ready for a very different learning experience! However we needed our teacher to initiate the video conference to be able to interact. After approximately 10 minutes of waiting we receive a phone call from our teacher, i wont send you to sleep with the details but in essence his set up was not working due to him being given the wrong settings. As such we had no idea what to do as here we are with no teacher and no work! so after a small debate within the group we decide that passing the time by watching a film was a suitably amusing course of action. After further deliberation Ollie and Toby (who, interestingly did not take electronics at GCSE) went to the school's small library to try and find a video to watch. after approximately 10 minutes, during which time we bought some suitable snacks from the nearby vending machines, they returned with a very satisfied look having showed us their film selection, Shrek 2. After hearing our groans they assured us it was either this or a Britney Spears video, so Shrek 2 it was... the time is now 09:50 and so we start watching, after much amusement at the directors commentary which was inadvertently on, but later turned off, the film got interesting, even getting a few chuckles! But the time flew by and 10:10 came along, at which time we realised, having just gotten comfortable, that the room was required by someone else! So, having only watched 20 minutes of the film, we had to stop and rewind the video in accordance with Library policy and vacated the room. The next hour in which we were supposed to be being taught electronics was spent playing a tennis ball based game, the details of which i can remember with far less accuracy than those of the previous hour.

And that is the story of how i came to be watching only 20 minutes of Shrek 2! i hope you were paying attention, you will be tested periodically..........

Lets see last movie I watched was actually

Desperate Housewifes Season 2 the whole thing on DVD. Bought it last week and me and my wife watched all of it in like a week.
Is it good? They are about to start it screening here in the Czech TV.

I watched Easy Rider like an hour ago... Good, but I didn't understand why the rednecks killed them... Because of their freedom?
Pisis said:
Is it good? They are about to start it screening here in the Czech TV.

I watched Easy Rider like an hour ago... Good, but I didn't understand why the rednecks killed them... Because of their freedom?

Easy Rider is one of the most random films I think ive ever seen
cheddar cheese said:
Easy Rider is one of the most random films I think ive ever seen
What is the meaninf for "random" here? Like boring?

Yesterday, I've watched:

Back To Future - LOOOOOOOL
Munich - for the 2nd time... So I roughl new the story, concentrated myslef on the details and there's - like in most of Spielberg's films - more than just one story...
The Aviator - I was sceptic but now I can say it's a great movie!
The Goebles Project - document made with archive filming and Goebels' diary writings. Good one - iot showed how the Germans were fanatized until the very bitter end...

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