What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Just finished a series called Manhattan about the desert atomic bomb work-ups. It wasn't bad as long as you ignore the drama injected into to make it tasteful for women. It looks like they really tried to get it right.
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Just finished a series called Manhattan about the desert atomic bomb work-ups. It wasn't bad as long as you only the drama injected into to make it tasteful for women. It looks like they really tried to get it right.
Hell the saying are what you?

...and I'm currently watching Castle.
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Why one and not the other? One will make you think; the other (I assume) will raise a smile or laugh. Both are OK in my opinion. From what I've heard, Barbie isn't a kids' movie.
My daughters (21 and 23) are Barbie lovers:

They went with high hopes and absolutely HATED the movie. HATED the way guys were represented, HATED the plot and the relationship between barbie and ken. HATED the stupid matriarchy/patriarchy bullshit. Man I got an earful from both of them for well over an hour after they got back.

I had no intention of seeing it anyway so it's no skin off my nose but I was sorry they didn't enjoy it. And yes, they know good from bad movies.

I did however get some a lot of ego boosting, they said many times "Dad wouldn't do that stupid shit" or "Dad would done xyz and not what these simps are doing".

They also had a dim view of Barbie's character itself.

Somedays you feel you might have actually done something right for a change with your parental skills...

Eh, sorry for the rant.
"It wasn't bad as long as you only the drama injected into to make it tasteful for women."

It's cool, but what were you trying to say there? It made absolutely no sense.
Just finished a series called Manhattan about the desert atomic bomb work-ups. It wasn't bad as long as you ignore the drama injected into to make it tasteful for women. It looks like they really tried to get it right.

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