What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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I think you are correct. I believe Robin Williams did not have any Russian ancestry in his DNA, although I seem to remember a quip from many years ago that said Williams learned a little Russian phonetically, while he was preparing for the film.
...of course, Williams was also a master of the double talk, so that whole factoid may have been complete BS.

I don't have any Russian ancestry either, but I learned in a VERY good language program in college and had lots of practice in and out of class.
The things I was noticing was that some of the people were making common pronunciation errors for people who are just learning the language or someone reading from a phonetic translation and not knowing the actual pronunciation habits of Russians.

Alec Baldwin sounded like a pretty fluent Russian speaker when he met Captain Ramius in Hunt for Red October and he was just doing it phonetically.

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