What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Zulu The Lighthorsemen are both excellent movies (as well as a few others mentioned above).

Watched Black Hawk Down again last night (for probably the 50th time) and watched San Antone (for about the 30th time) w/ Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland, Alan Hale Sr. and Gwinn "Big Boy" Williams.
The World's Fastest Indian
When you get a chance (even more so if you like bikes) see it. Considered for a Baft this year its very good Anthony Hopkins stars in a true story of a New Zealand eccentric who builds his own speed record bike very well acted with lots of very amusing scenes.
thats on more four next sunday Wild cat, might catch it then.
ive had a chilling weekend after a couple of days of laying a patio on mi tod
so back to back films:

Hostage (Bruce Willis>>> very die hard so I was happy)

Constantine (Keanu>>. yum, but a tad strange)

Crash (really enjoyed this film....shows we are all racist to some extent not matter what race we are lol, but well made)

Breakback Mountain (a disappointment )

then watched Sexy Beasts on more four last night ( ok but not that good)

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