What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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syscom3 said:
last night in cinema class, we watched "The Seven Samurai".

Anyone else see that movie?

I've never seen it but would like to. I've been meaning to buy a copy for several years now but never have. Maybe soon.

I last watched Witness.
I first saw The Seven Samurai sometime in 2004 when TCM played several Japanese movies one week. The movie I thought was rather well done.

Anyway, the last moie I watched was this morning on AMC, called: The Frogmen -- which is about the U.S. Navy Divers (Pre-Navy Seals) in WWII. It starred: Richard Widmark, Jeffrey Hunter, Dana Andrews, Gary Merrill also had a few other familiar faces in it.
The seven samurai is widely regarded as one of the greatest films of all time and i think so too. bloody superb, first film I bought on DVD.
last film I watched was The Malta Story
The greatest film of all time has not yet been released on DvD. Decision Before Dawn is going to be released on DvD in late May. :))

The last movie I watched was last night on TCM when they played the un-cut version of The Alamo.

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