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I really don't want to get into a gun debate, because it always turnd poliltical.
Having said that...
I am a legal law abiding citizen who has a concealed carry permit. I believe in the right for someone to be allowed to defend themselves. The problem is (and anti gun people refuse to see) is that taking guns away from the law abiding citizens, the bad people out there will still have them. Fact of life, and there is no denying it.
The cops can not protect you. A friend of mine had a stalker harrassing her. She called the cops, they said they could do nothing since he had done nothing illegal yet. Basically they act when it is too late.
For the protection of my family, I will never give up my guns. NSA you reading this?
With laws and stuff now even if you shot someone in 'self defense' outside of them breaking into your home to kill you there are so many grey areas as to when you can and can't..makes my head spin
In the end as long as my family is alive and unhurt, I don't give a damn.
Lets face it. Our country has a problem with crime and violence, and there is unfortunately too many people out there that have no care for human life. Look at the ****tard who broke into that womans house in New Jersey and beat her senseless (for no reason) while robbing her house. The one that was caught on the nanny cam...
Too bad he did not walk into the house of an armed citizen. Our country would be rid of one more worthless scum.
Millburn Township where my Dad was a cop, was out of place...its 10 minutes from newark but a pretty affluent community. But thats a different situation thats in someones own home...I have no issue with that
What is the firearm policy for police? I remember cartoons of a whistle-carrying British Bobby chasing a criminal and shouting: "STOP or I'll TOOT!."In Britain we have a different view on the public owning guns. Here I do not need a gun.... I think.
Guns are enshrined in the American consciousness. If I were an American I would have a firearm for all the reasons Mike and others say.
In Britain we have a different view on the public owning guns. Here I do not need a gun.... I think.
Society is changing and our ambivalence towards guns may have to change too..
That was such a terrible event, should have never happenedI bet the young soldier who was beheaded and mutilated on the public street, while the unarmed "Bobbies" watched and waited for armed backup would think differently if he were still alive.
I bet the young soldier who was beheaded and mutilated on the public street, while the unarmed "Bobbies" watched and waited for armed backup would think differently if he were still alive.
That was a horrible incident but guns weren't missing here, rather more people like Ingrid Loyau-Kennett.
Police or someone with guns could have stopped these animals.
Fact and period...
As I said, I am not getting in s gun debate. They are always the same, and neither side will budge.
I bet the young soldier who was beheaded and mutilated on the public street, while the unarmed "Bobbies" watched and waited for armed backup would think differently if he were still alive.
The Emergency Services always give their very best Harrison.
The real question is why the crash happened and what can be done to avoid a similar incident in future.
Going back to your post about British Police not being armed. That is a big question, the Police forces on the continent are armed ( I'm pretty sure that's universal) and those countries have the same problems as we do here. So, does having a gun making Policing more effective?
If no one, except special armed units of Police, carrys firearms then its the same as everyone having fire arms. No one has the advantage....