Major General
Different aircraft for the LW: Do-19 instead of Do-17 - even if two for five basis; Me-110 as an attack/light-bomber, Fw-187 - longe range fighter, and maybe a mix of He-100D Me-109.
Yet, with all the debate about a longer range single engined fighter, it won't make that much difference it it only has 60 rounds per cannon!
The Do-19 was a loser. Germany didn't have the engines to power such a plane at the time. Much like the Boeing B-15 or Douglas B-19.
The Do-19 had a wing that was about 22-23% larger than a B-17 wing and a fuselage 10 feet longer. changing from the prototype's 810hp engines to 1000-1100hp engines available in 1940 is not going to improve performance enough to allow anything except night bombing or escorted day light flights. The first needs better navigation to be effective, especially at longer ranges, and the second limits the range to that of the fighters.
Perhaps a smaller number of big bombers in a smaller formation is more easily protected than a large formation of smaller bombers?
The Do-17 has been described as a very good low level bomber even if it's bomb load was rather small.