What was your first car?

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Coincidendce, Njaco, I had a '78 Land Rover 88, Series III, that I kept for 10 years! Had it fully kitted-out for off-roading, with cage, recovery points, harnesses, suspension strenghtened etc. That's another one I should have kept! It went about 5 years ago, still going strong in Blackpool. Used to call it (and had decal on it too) SLUF. Yes, like the A7 - Short, Little, Ugly F****r !

Had mine for 10 years, too. I got rid of it instead of my ex. If I only knew...... I loved taking the top off, the doors off, fold the windshield down and off I would go! Loved it!!!
This was second car! Ugly as hell but it ran great! Mine was silver with a black vinyl top!


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Good Lawd..first, it was a 63' Plymouth Valiant convertable. Put it in a ditch and got a hole in the gas tank, THEN my brother took it over and got it taken away. Then a Honda Elite 150 scooter. Yes, I was THAT gal. :lol: My senior year, my friend's prom date wrecked my beloved scoot. SO, I bought a Datsun B210 hatchback, for $200. Bright yellow, she was... it had a smiley face painted on the hood, it came WITH a yield sign AND a 6pack of Budweiser.
I had a Vauxhall Nova Swing 1.0. Sadly this was in the days before digital cameras and my mum doubler exposed the only pictures I had of it. Put in a stereo that was worth more than the car, fitted a 'performance' air filter and stuck go faster stripes down the side.

I drove it at every opportunity and managed to crash within 2 weeks whilst trying to 'powerslide' round a corner. It broke down all the time, kept cutting out in traffic and the tailgate kept coming open. It was a slow, rusty, unreliable and bad handling peice of rubbish. But it was MY piece of rubbish, so I loved it. 6 weeks after passing I managed to park it into the back of a 4x4 driven by a rather big and angry gentlemen. After that it went to the great car park in the sky

Rust in peace B246 JMX :salute:

It looked a lot like this, except in a white/rust 2 tone

Hey guys thought id start a thread about your first cars.

What was your first car?

What was great about it?

What was not so great about it?

What happened to it?

Mine was a Chevy Vega two-door with automatic transmission but manual steering. The great thing about it is that it was MINE (although it was a hand-me-down from my older brother)! And in high school, that's all that mattered. What was not so great about it was that blasted manual steering. I wasn't quite the buff Greek God I am now (OK, half-Greek God), and sometimes it was all my skinny teenage arms could do just to wrestle it around a corner. It was however painted in a cheerful, bright red. What happened to it is when I upgraded to a Buick Skyhawk (brand-new, no less) my financial advisor (aka my Dad) sold it to some poor soul. Believe or not, I once got it up to 90mph on a road around a semi-abandoned auxiliary U.S. airfield near where I lived. At least I think it was 90 - it certainly felt like 90 the way the car was about to shake apart. Ah, memories.

my car has a factory speed limiter at 180km/h. Its frustrating just when it starts getting fun its all over. Although I could remove it and crack the 260km/h...in fact I think ill leave it on.
My first car was a Triumph 2,5 PI MKII. 1972 mod.. Whish i never bought it,, cost me a half fortune to get on the road.. but very fun to drive fast .. at 160 km/h the tail down,nose up, when tip 165 the nose come down lower than the tail.But the electrical system and fuel injection from LUCAS................LUCAS the man who discover the dark.........:evil:
1969 Ford F-100 with a 390, we called it the Gunship due to all the crap we got into with it and in those days in California in the back country it was still common to have the gunrack filled and I normally did.

The Good
The thing was a beast, It would go as fast as you'd dare push it, it had that great bench seat (Big enough for drive in fun with my best friend and two petite girls with out getting too crossed up), it had 1/8th in steel on the inside of the door panels, when they cut the holes for speakers they wore out three drill pits, a .38 round bounced off the bed and didn't dent, Got rear ended by a drunk in a toyota at a light and he was totaled, I lost a marker light. The mufflers were only that by name ( My Dad heard me coming off the freeway three miles away one night) and I could bulldoze this beast through rush hour and holiday traffic and nice imports like Jesus's own motorcade, it could take out 25 feet of McDonald's metal handrailing in reverse (Long story involving my brother and the choke)
Everyone always invited me to thier bonfires and cookouts, you could look down into the girls cars and tons of other things I won't menton even though the statute of limitations is long gone...
Great truck, I bought it for $1,000 with 45,000 original miles when I was 18..too many good times to even think about in it...and the best part was that ugly faded ford green paint was invisible on the cop radar for some reason, I used to joke I could barrel roll it through a flaming hoop over ten school buses and not get noticed...

The Bad

The only power the truck has was the gas pedal, you could break a sweat on a winter day parking it, which may be why I always had oversized popeye fore arms, lol.
That and the 8 miles a gallon or so (The way I drove then) got spendy on what I was making those days.

The End
I drove the balls off it and when it got to be up in the two hundred thousand mile range I traded it in for a new truck for work, I wore everything out on it including the window and door latches.
That was a sad day the last time I saw it on the lot as I drove away in my new truck.
Good times


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yeah, that is a great story. F100's look so evil. My best mates brother had one exactly the same as yours but red!
my car has a factory speed limiter at 180km/h. Its frustrating just when it starts getting fun its all over. Although I could remove it and crack the 260km/h...in fact I think ill leave it on.

Me and my tested the falcon one day, 195km/h we got it up to, even dad was impressed! Oh BTW the AU falcons also top out at 180km/h as well!
Solid effort. I got my 1988 Holden Barina up to 135-140km/h. Wow was I shitting myself the thing started shaking and vibrating I was worried it would fall to pieces.

Ahhh god I was stupid.

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