What's for dinner?

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On my tod tonight so went for a takeaway from 'Wok it up', an all time favourite 'Singapore Noodles', a bloody big bowl of them…………………..Oh and not forgetting the wine…………….Bliss.
I never think of drinking wine with Asian food. Come to think of it a sweet wine with really spicy Asian food sounds pretty good, actually.

Not sure what we are doing for dinner tonight. Maybe BLTs.
Just put a bacon joint in the slow cooker with fried onions,garlic and black pepper together with some split peas.

Bacon and mushy peas for dinner tomorrow, probably with sauteed potatoes.

By the miracle of a blender I daresay pea soup for Sunday.
Real basic tonight baked beans/dogs,diced/fried potatoes and bread w/butter cannot get any simpler.
We had Beef Roast, Yorkshire Pudding, Pea Salad, cheese/rice pilaf with Figgie Pudding for desert.

Though the Figgie Pudding hardened my arteries just making it, it was a mighty fine tasting dish!
Prime rib roast with au jus juice, huge baked potatoes with butter, crumbled bacon, green onion and sour cream, home made cranberry sauce, green beans almandine, corn casserole, and a salad toped off with blackberry pie alamode.

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