What's for dinner?

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Pasta shells with a mix of kungpo hunters sauces, a splash of rich dark soy, mixed veg's with peppers and some grilled fish fingers, tempted perhaps to use a bit of Trinidadian Scorpion Chilli in it or not, to me cool down? ..muhuhahaha the top half of one if not a whole one or more left in my freezer.
Scotch bonnets are gentle if you don't have more than a few at a time in a day.
Trinidadian Scorpion Chili is the only heat so far that I actually felt going around my duodenum intestines etc as it 'progressed', and that was when I didn't know how hot and used a whole shredded one, minus only the seeds in a noodle broth... next day it didn't burn, and it didn't pass like a Johny Cash song I thought it hotly would either, but boy who needs enemas, just a bit of ol natures spice..

..Funny advert, she puts Franks red hot sauce, on everything! oh er misses, so me thinks when Franks and Ethel are blushing together, they forgot to wash their lips and fingers...

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkyfDuJmGNI
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I didn't have no Ring of Fire then, its spice must have largely been broken down by the time it came to 'Gone in 120 seconds', which is weird, co's a handful of jalapenos has generated more heat upon exiting than that - ahh, it didn't touch the sides either like the cooler jala's by perchance might've.

Mmm, apologies if your reading this thread and was feeling hungry, hopefully you still have some appatite(s) so forgive my juxtaposition of the topic.
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'I'd rather have the Trinidad scorpion chili, its spicey enough it could kill the mrsa just on its scoville scale... '

Umm... Trinidad scorpion chilli v MRSA.
There's only way to find out...


I assure you I won't ask why a young American gent ended up at an American restaurant eating an American "Monster" burger while in Europe.

Nope. Not gonna ask. Not gonna do it. Not gonna...

WTF is wrong with you?
When I was in Europe, the closest thing I had to American food was the BBQ chicken I made for my sweetheart's parents. This included baked potatos, done up right there on the grill (stuffed with sour cream, chives and a dash of garlic).

Otherwise, I was in culinary heaven trying all the cool stuff the locals had to offer. I will say that I did have a Pizza while I was in Torree Del Greco, Italy and it was different than what Americans are used to.

On a side note, thier version of Coke is alright but the Pepsi tastes like ass...no matter though, I was after the Bulgarian beer like Kamonitsa and Zagorka, both traditionally based on Czech lagers and completely badass.
My 'cousin' went to Europe and stayed and lots of hostels when he (and I) were very young. He came back with craving for good ole 'merican tuna salad... canned tuna with mayo.

Interesting what we crave when denied.. isn't it.

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