What's on The Workbench

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My shelving.
That's what was on the workbench.

Getting it cleaned up now,.. "Chug-a-lug" took a direct hit by one of the shelves. I can't talk about it....
At least the Stuka survived.
Nope, it happened when I was at work. My daughter was here doing laundry, and she said that she heard a crash-boom....
If the washing machine is off-balance, it shakes this place something awful. That would be my guess.
Anyways, I have put them back up with longer screws and Gorilla glue. If they fall again....
well, after finishing the TWA 757, the one I had been working on a fulll freakin' year. I am now resuming work on the PA-28-140 Piper Cherokee. Once I get it to the stage the 1/72 Boeing Stratocruiser is, I'll be working on those two together. as you may know, I've cut out the door on the fuselage, I plan on displaying it open. And inspired by another guy working on the same kit, but under a different brand, I've been re-shaping the cowling's air inlets, and I've re-cut the cowling's side panels. the left inlet is perfect, but the right one, I can't seem to get shaped quite right. the size of the spinner is another problem. it's a bit too large. in order to make it right, I'd have to sand it down, which means I'd probably have to break the props off in order to sand it all the way around. the landing gear boots are another issue as well. particularly the nose gear. good chance i'd have to re-shape that as well.

here's the thread of the guy working on the same kit: http://translate.google.com/transla...0-cherokee-academy-148-atualizado-em-7-6-2009

and here's my take on it so far:
I have two on the bench ATTm the Hase B-25 PTO 1/72 about 85% a few pieces left but touchups and panel lines.The other is the Potez-633AB2 from Azur 1/72 and it will end up in Crotian colors No.7,Sac-sac,krollvske rumunske letectvo 1941 now there is a bit of problem and Wojtek see's and can help;colors??

H29= looks kinda like testors rubber to me?
h73= fs30118 or hu10?
h33= hu145?


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You can mix your own "rubber", depending on the time and place, some brown added to the flat black should work. Add some grey to the mix for a different effect.
Really early (WW1) tyres were a "pinkish" grey.
These are the recommended colors(gunze)? for the Potez-633

H29= looks kinda like testors rubber to me?
h73= fs30118 or hu10?
h33= hu145?
For the Romanian Potez you need : Dark Brown - H17/C29, Khaki - H73/C23, Dark Blue-Grey H307/C307 on tops and the Sky Blue-Grey H337/C337 on undersides.

For the French Potez you need : Green - H73/C23, Sand - H79/C39 , Light Blue mix H6/C115 50% + H323/C322 50%. The second French plane - like these colours for the Romanian kite.

Gunze H17 Cocoa Brown - Humbrol 10 Service Brown or Humbrol 113 Rust.
Gunze H73 Dark Green - Humbrol 30 Dark Green
Gunze H307 Grey - Humbrol 128 US Compass Grey
Gunze H337 Blue-Grey - Humbrol 145 Medium Grey.
Gunze H79 Sand Yellow - Humbrol 93 Desert Yellow.

Gunze H6 Gloss Green - Humbrol 3 Brunswick Green.
Gunze H323 Gloss Light Blue ~ Humbrol 65 Aircraft Blue.

All colours seem to be these paints used for Armee de l'Air...
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Thanks Wojtek! I wondered that alittle myself did the French just hand them over and Croatian AF add a color up top with national markings.
nice looking B-25, there

well, resuming work (kinda) on the Piper Cherokee, I realized I screwed up on the left air intake on the cowling. so I decided to fill the hole, and paint this part white and start over. I think it'd be better if I drew it with a pencil instead of a fine tip sharpie. also, looking at photos of the cowling, I've realized the hole where the prop goes is too low. so, I need to bring it up a smidgeon.
Speaking from experience Rob never paint over ink/sharpie it bleeds through within the year with enamels atleast.
*nods* noted for future reference, but it's already been sanded away. so there's no danger of that. I've not decided whether or not I'shape the nose gear. the good thing about this build, is that I won't be doing any masking, cos it's all white. I'll actually be able to use gloss white this time

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