What's on The Workbench

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On the workbench now... 3 Yak-3 Eduard

The projects:
Yak-3 from "Normandie-Niemen" flown by 1st Lt Marcel Albert late in 1944.

Yak-3 from "Normandie-Niemen" flown by 2nd Lt Jacques André falls 1944

Yak-3 from "Normandie-Niemen" flown by 1st Lt Roland de la Poype late in 1944.

I keep working...
I like these kites of the Normandie-Niemen unit. My line control flying Yak-3 wore the markings of the unit too.

C' est super !!!
Trying to diminish my unfinished kits stash, I'm working on Academy's 1/48 P-47N, my favorite -47 variant. The model is basically finished and i finished the NFM paint last night. waiting for that to dry and then I'll add the anti-glare paint. Built during my drinking phase, I neglected to instal the landing light and the recognition lights. These will be added later with Chrystal Clear. I was going to leave a gun bay open but changed my mind.

I chose to model "The Shell Pusher" as that is my call sign on CFS 3. I've got a photo somewhere showing the aircraft with P-38 drop tanks painted in Neutral gray. The caption stated that the were napalm bombs. Searching the Web for that photo today and I came up with the same photo that said these were just fuel drop tanks. Regardless, they make a nice oddball departure from normal drop tanks or bombs.

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Thanks for the offer Terry. The kit came with some and I have a set from a P-38M that got hit by flak. One is slightly bigger than the other so I've got to find that photo again and do so measuring.

Anyone have any thoughts on interpreting this photo? According to the decal instructions, 1)this aircraft has 3 antenna and I see one, 2)triangle on the upper stabilizer only and I've only seen it on the left upper, 3) olive drab behind the canopy, running to almost half along the dorsal fillet, there is something in the photo, just not sure what, 4) olive drab anti glare panel in front of the windscreen looks really weathered and on the cowling, it looks almost non-existent. Going to try find some more photos but in the meantime, any input would be appreciated.


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