What's on The Workbench

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Those that have seen my post in the "How many unfinished Kits do you have?" know that I have many, many, many projects on the go. Some won't take long and some, such as the next one will be a long one. I'm going to hit these projects when there is a lull in my group builds, waiting for paint to dry, finished early, etc. This was one of my early builds, long before I joined this site. The masking was a nightmare and there are still gaps at the wing roots that will now be corrected. First up, stripping off the paint. This will be done slowly as I'm using nail polish remover, yeeee haaaa!!! This is just a test.....


In the end, it will become a captured aircraft.

Update while I'm waiting for things to dry in the GB. Paint on the bottom has been removed.


Paint to be removed later today, notice the gap and sprue attachment points on the leading edge. It also looks like a seam needs to be attended to on the upper cowling joint,


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I couldn't wait. I had to see what kind of screwed up putty job I did years ago. Turns out I was just impatient. Seeing how I had the polish remover out, 50% done. I also tided up the sprue attachment points on the wings.


Doing this has also given me the confidence to apply and wipe off paint to the panel lines in the future.

Thanks kindly gentlemen. Wing/fuselage seams filled. As the one on the right is quite large, more than one putty session. Silver painted areas highlighted, defects will be filled once the paint is dry.


Going well Geo. :thumbright:

Thanks Evan and Wojtek however, the going well has hit a snag. Though the model has sat on my desk, lo these many years, I can't for the life of me recall where I put the kit box with the rest of the parts. Oh well, a little while longer won't matter. Anyhoo...the next project to attack while I'm waiting for paint and glue to dry in my Group Builds is AMT's 1/48 P-40N. I think i put this back in the box because I was unhappy with the paint scheme. While searching for all things RCAF I found this...


...first up, stripping off the paint. The sand paint is sticking a lot more than the 190 so this will take a while. The tests....


Third paint removal session.


Nail polish remover is powerful stuff, but I finally found my mask from my papermill days. Remember kids, safety first. When I bring stuff home, SWMBO likes to file them under "Places I never look" or "Things I will never find again". I also got about a hundred filters when the mill shut down, still to be found.


Thats interesting Geo with the sides of boxes cut out?Is that to identify what/inprogress has been done?I for some reason have saved all my instructions from builds started in a 1/32 box now holds up in 1/24 Trump.Does not mean all kits still reside me with just the efforts and I would bet 200-250 occupy that box easy.I have about 160 built now and that many waiting :dontknow: Hence the lack of purchases of late.

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