What's on The Workbench

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Nice work George. Can't advise on the letters, but they could well be 'non regulation' size, to fit, and I think you're on the right track.
A couple of electronic devices for OSU Kingfisher.

OSU devices1.jpg

OSU devices1a.jpg
Oh sorry ... it is for the Revell/Monogram 1/48 scale kit. The diameter of The Polish 1 Grosz is 15mm. The small bomb is about 3mm in diameter ( the bomb shell 2mm) and 7mm long.

Great stuff Wojtek!
Is that bomb a bomb, or a message-dropping container? If a bomb, I'm guessing it's something like a 25 Pound example, or maybe a smoke bomb?
THX guys. :)

Terry, it is quite difficult to say if it is a bomb, or a message-dropping container. It is more likely it's the smoke bomb or the message-dropping container. These drawings for Kingfisher don't show it properly. It is a "prototype" and an example only. I reminded myself that there was somebody who needed bombs for his model and didn't believe it's possible to make them from scratch.
No problem my friend, and you've shown that it can be done, of course!
I don't know enough about the aircraft or its armament, but I've seen small bombs like that which are sometimes practice bombs, or smoke bombs, although the latter often have a 'blunt' nose. And of course, in the early war period, small 25 Pound bombs, or around that size, were still used by such aircraft; the Lysander, for example, carried a number on each rack on the wheel spats.

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