What's on The Workbench

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Nice innards Wojtek. After downing some pain killers, i got downstairs to finish off the main painting, From this....

...to this...

The usual touch-ups to follow. I found two sources that said the glare panel was black and the fin was O.D. and one source that said both were O.D.. Just to be different, mob rules. I have all the National Markings and S/N in the spares box but no codes. I found a sheet of 36" letter somewhere(really gotta start learning to bookmarking crap) which may be a tad small but whaddayagunnado? Off to the Interlands.

Geo, have you thought about just making those codes yourself? If you cut strips of black decals (say those from invasion stripes that people rarely use) and cut them to make the P and N, that may not be too difficult. The letters are also relatively easy to mask and paint.
Son of a :xcensoredx:. Wasn't thinking Andy. I've got all sorts of invasion stripes laying around and if those aren't the easiest letters to make up and thanks for the offer Karl, HOWEVER, minutes after I posted, I ordered a set of letters. Gonna be banging my head for days over this.


EDIT: Just saw your letter Bill. Many thanks for taking the time
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Thanks Wayne but I couldn't live with it. After staring at the photo of the real aircraft, I came to the conclusion that the minority is more likely correct and changed the anti-glare panel to O.D.. The difference between the panel and letters is too great to be the same color methinks and is closer to the O.D. on the tail.


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