What's on The Workbench

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Aye, we've been warned, but what about your neighbourhood, the rest of Macclesfield? They'll have to dust off those old cold war chemical attack thingmajigs!!
I can see the headlines now, not to mention extra broadcasts from BBC on the picturebox...!
Gentlemen, your forgetting that this is the first time I've had a baby in the house in 22yrs. Terry, just did a small drive-thru of your town on Google Earth, went down Lime Grove(?) and turned right on Fence. Very nice looking place. When I get some more time, I will explore further.

George, have a look at the southern end, following the main road running south. Chuck a right, and find Sutton, Langley, and Macclesfield Forest. That's where I used to live until divorce, on the edge of the open countryside, and where I hope to get back to eventually.
Overall, it's not a bad place, but spoilt in certain areas, where d**kheads live or pass through.
Waiting for the gloss coat to dry on the P-47 I took the rest of the topside paint off the P-40N, about an hours worth of scrubbing. Just two seams to deal with and the cowling panels around the exhaust are a bit of a crappy fit to the fuselage.


Waiting for the paint to dry on my GB so back to the P-40. Once the putty is sanded, repaint the rear of the cockpit and add plastic to the cowling panel which is too short. Also have to add plastic in the cowling to prevent the panels from falling in.


Also have to find black 45° letters. A rough estimate is 36"-40". If any one can guess the correct size it would be greatly appreciated.



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